In 1992 I felt called to start Morning Star Evangelistic Center which is now Morning Star Church of All Nations. We met in an old trailer that had been donated; it was in need of much repair. With the people donating their time and talent, the repairs were made and the trailer was ready to be moved to the land behind our house. A year later a smaller trailer was donated which we made into the kitchen, a place to eat and fellowship.
We then acquired another trailer for the Children's Ministry and finally the Methodist Women donated a double-wide trailer which we used as our church building and Two Rivers Native American Training Center classes until we could purchase a permanent building, we still use the double-wide as our kitchen and fellowship hall today.
In 1996 moved by faith the men of Morning Star poured the foundation for the new building. Then in 1998 at a conference in Dallas, Texas, world renown speaker and transformation strategist Ed Silvoso called for Jay Swallow and me to come up to the platform. He began sharing about our decades of work among the Native people on the reservations and that the Indian Reservations were the biggest mission field in America. He told them about Two Rivers Native American Training Center and the vision to multiply ourselves, to train up the next generation to win souls and establish places for worship and training on reservations. He took up an offering and when it was counted the people had given $150,000 enough to finish the building.
In 2009 we extended our church building to accommodate our children and youth, also adding more office space and other facilities.
Dr. Negiel Bigpond
Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtain of your habitations be stretched out; spare not; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. for you will spread abroad to the right hand and to the left; and your offspring will possess the nations.
Isaiah 54:2-3 Amplified
Morning Star Church of All Nations takes it's inspiration from Matthew 28:19
"Go out and make disciples in all the nations…"
Oh how easy it is to get lost! With our cell phones and iPads, our 24-hour news cycles, there’s virtually nowhere to go for a moment of peace and quiet.
That’s where Morning Star Church of All Nations comes in. We provide a sacred place of respite in the tumult of life.
So come, put aside the cares of the week and find yourself in the presence of Creator God.
We are a gathering centered on ministering to all tribes…all people, teaching and releasing the gifts within each individual for such a time as this.
We welcome you to join us for a time of anointed worship, teaching and releasing the gifts in Creator’s Kingdom on earth.
Many faces, one faith.
We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, authors, artists, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents…
united by our shared faith in a loving Creator.
Morning Star Evangelistic Center • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 198, Mounds, Ok 74047 • Physical Address: 14248 Hectorville Road, Mounds, OK • (918) 366-6735